Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Dinner Time: The Last Supper
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
by Rev. Grant Armstrong
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Luke 22:7-27
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- What is the best service you’ve ever received at a restaurant? The worst?
- In this event, Jesus reinterprets the sacred Jewish tradition of Passover. Is reinterpretation of traditions something Jesus did, or something Jesus still does?
- There are several references to Jesus breaking bread and sharing it in scripture. Why do you think He identified with that act?
- Describe a time when you found it difficult to serve someone else (and you don’t have to name names).
- What will you do this week to honor someone through a Christ-like service?
- What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
St.Whonow? | Watch Out
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
by Rev. Grant Armstrong
Sunday, July 26, 2020
2 John 1:5-11
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I. Love is inseparably intertwined with the truth about Christ.
II. St. John’s faith is vigilant to uphold the truth about Christ.
III. We are called to remain in the light of truth.
- Complete this sentence: "My friends would say I always correct them when they __________."
- How is speaking truly about someone a loving act? How could it be experienced as an unloving act?
- Why do you suppose John felt responsible for defending the truth about Jesus?
- What's at stake when people speak falsely about Jesus? What is our responsibility to offer correction?
- In your understanding of Jesus, do you tend to lean more towards His human nature, or His divine nature?
- How has God allowed you to understand Jesus more clearly?
- What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
St. Whonow? | First Loved
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
by Rev. Grant Armstrong
Sunday, July 19, 2020
1 John 4:7-12
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I. God’s kind of love leads to right action, not just fond feelings.
II. St. John’s faith recognizes the height of love in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
III. God invented and initiated love.
- What's the most interesting letter you've ever received in the mail?
- Why is charity towards believers so important to John? How is that kind of charitable attitude among Christians still important?
- Why does John emphasize the sacrificial and self-giving nature of love? Where are we tempted to make love less?
- Why does it matter that God is the inventor and initiator of love? Does it matter that God loves us first instead of loving us back?
- Where will God's love help you be more charitable in your life this week?
- What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
St. Whonow? | I AM
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
by Rev. Grant Armstrong
Sunday, July 12, 2020
John 8:51-58
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I. Jesus didn’t give in to people who didn’t get it.
II. Jesus didn’t have to seek glory to be glorified.
III. St. John’s faith makes a clear connection between the life of Jesus and the heart of God.
- Tell about a time you received an accolade or award you weren't seeking. How did it make you feel?
- Why did Jesus stand up to His detractors? How would labeling them as liars be understood as a loving act?
- In what ways do we get to see Jesus being glorified today? Is that something you think Jesus would seek?
- What did John risk by making such bold proclamations about who Jesus is? In what ways do we take similar risks today?
- What do you think you'd need to see or experience to be more convinced that Jesus is who He claims to be?
- What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
St. Whonow? | In the Beginning...
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
by Rev. Grant Armstrong
Sunday, July 5, 2020
John 1:1-17
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I. St. John’s faith speaks to the wider world in familiar terms.
II. Jesus’ place in history predates history.
III. The incarnation - God’s presence in human form - is still central to the church today.
- What is your earliest clear memory?
- What's one thing you learned about St. John as a person that you didn't necessarily know before?
- Why does it matter that John would use terms familiar with people outside of the Jewish/Christian tradition to speak about Christ?
- John's Gospel tries to counter several misconceptions about Jesus (sometimes called heresies), including the idea that Jesus was created, and not eternal. Why does it matter that Jesus is eternal?
- Why is the physical presence of God among us so important to John's understanding of love and faithfulness?
- How is God inviting you to embody love and faithfulness through your presence this week?
- What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Walked Away: A Restoration Story
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
by Rev. Grant Armstrong
Sunday, June 28, 2020
John 21:3-19
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I. Jesus doesn’t give up on us.
II. If we accept, Jesus invites us right back into friendship.
III. If we’re truly going to follow, Jesus’ mission becomes our mission.
- When it comes to eating fish, what's your approach? 1) Catch of the day, any day, 2) If it's breaded, fried, and doesn't taste like fish, or 3) No fish on the dish.
- Why does it matter that Jesus came to find Peter? How is this similar to Genesis 3:8-9? Are there important differences?
- Why do you think Peter was so eager to see Jesus? What made him move so quickly?
- In what ways is this setting in John 21:9 similar to the one in John 18:18? Why would Jesus recreate some of that environment?
- What is the equivalent of sharing a meal to signify reconciliation in today's culture? Do we have an act that marks a restored relationship?
- Who are the "sheep" God is calling you to feed today? How are you doing that?
- What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Walked Away: A Curse on Me
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
by Rev. Grant Armstrong
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Mark 14:66-72
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I. Do people recognize that you’ve been with Jesus?
II. There are always cultural pressures that tempt us to deny Jesus.
III. Denying Jesus results in more grief than freedom.
- What's your favorite farm animal noise?
- What are some of the things people may notice about someone who has spent time with Jesus? Is that always true?
- Why might someone imagine that following Jesus now is less scandalous than it was 2000 years ago? Why is it still scandalous?
- What do we fear when we choose not to share our relationship with Christ? How does love help us overcome those fears?
- Who needs to know that you've spent time with Jesus? How will you overcome fear to acknowledge Christ this week?
- What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Walked Away: Became Very Sad
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
by Rev. Grant Armstrong
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Luke 18:18-30
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I. Jesus wants would-be followers to do a heart check.
II. What we refuse surrender for Jesus becomes the ceiling on our growth.
III. Jesus is greater than all we surrender for His sake.
- You left home without your cell phone. Is your response: 1) panic, 2) relief, or 3) I'll survive?
- The young leader was convinced he could earn his way into eternal life. What are ways we might reflect that attitude today?
- Does a refusal to follow Jesus into deeper faith mean we reject Jesus, or we just remain in a less mature state? Why?
- What are some things / thoughts at risk of being an idol in your life? What does it look like to surrender those things / thoughts for Jesus?
- What specific step can you take this week to focus on the eternal goodness of God?
- What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Walked Away: Many Turned Away
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
by Rev. Grant Armstrong
Sunday, May 31, 2020
John 6:53-68
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I. Jesus’ invitations to deeper grace become increasingly more challenging.
II. Some people look perfect love directly in the face and reject Him.
III. Following Jesus is temporarily difficult, and eternally good.
- Have you ever walked out of a movie or show? What was it?
- Where else do you see a progression of deepening expectations and requirements as you move deeper into a relationship or responsibility?
- Imagine, without any context or understanding of communion, that you were hearing this teaching from Jesus for the first time. How would you have responded?
- What is one of Jesus' teachings that you find difficult. Why specifically do you think it challenges you?
- If you've heard Jesus' invitation to deeper relationship or responsibility, what is the next faithful step you need to take to grow in grace?
- What is God saying to you through today's scripture?
Sunday May 31, 2020
Roots & Wings: Empty Nest
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
by Rev. Grant Armstrong
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Matthew 4:21-22 , Matthew 20: 20-21
Donate Online - Secure, web-based giving for St. John's UMC
I. Our nests can be empty for a number of reasons.
II. The stock-photo image of family can be harmful.
III. God’s presence in your nest is what makes for a full life.
- If you could build a nest for yourself out of anything, what would you use?
- What do you most often picture when you think of an empty nest?
- How would you feel if Jesus came to call your children who worked for you and were the heirs of your family business? Why?
- How are the stock-photo images of family celebrated in our culture? How can that imagery be harmful?
- What are some ways that people in an empty-nest season are uniquely suited for Christian service?
- Where will you cultivate the presence of God in your life this week?
- What is God saying to you through today's scripture?