Sunday Aug 14, 2016
Sunday Aug 14, 2016
August 14, 2016
Sermon Self-Examination Questions
You are in a safe place, surrounded by the love of Christ. Ask God to help you see yourself as God sees you.
- Did Christ live in me today?
- Am I jealous, impure, critical, irritable, or distrustful?
- What triggers an emotional reaction from me?
- What kind of person do I hope to be?
- Is the way you are living right now preparing you to become this person?
- What is holding me back from having a complete relationship with God?
Fill yourself with this prayer:
God is here.
Above. Below. Beside. Beneath. Behind. Before.
God is here.
Within. Embracing. Inspiring. Encompassing. Pouring. Enveloping.
God is here.
God is, God was, God always will be. Amen.
Joel 2:12-17 (CEB)
“Change Your Hearts”
12Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your hearts, with fasting, with weeping, and with sorrow; 13tear your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, very patient, full of faithful love, and ready to forgive. 14Who knows whether he will have a change of heart and leave a blessing behind him, a grain offering and a drink offering for the Lord your God? 15Blow the horn in Zion; demand a fast; request a special assembly. 16Gather the people; prepare a holy meeting; assemble the elders; gather the children, even nursing infants. Let the groom leave his room and the bride her chamber. 17Between the porch and the altar let the priests, the Lord’s ministers, weep. Let them say, “Have mercy, Lord, on your people, and don’t make your inheritance a disgrace, an example of failure among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?’”
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
August 7, 2016
Joel 2:12-17 (CEB)
“Change Your Hearts”
12Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your hearts, with fasting, with weeping, and with sorrow; 13tear your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, very patient, full of faithful love, and ready to forgive. 14Who knows whether he will have a change of heart and leave a blessing behind him, a grain offering and a drink offering for the Lord your God? 15Blow the horn in Zion; demand a fast; request a special assembly. 16Gather the people; prepare a holy meeting; assemble the elders; gather the children, even nursing infants. Let the groom leave his room and the bride her chamber. 17Between the porch and the altar let the priests, the Lord’s ministers, weep. Let them say, “Have mercy, Lord, on your people, and don’t make your inheritance a disgrace, an example of failure among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?’”
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
"Deaing with Dangerous Times" part 2 - By Rev. Troy Benton
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
July 31, 2016
James 1:1-8 (TNIV)
“Trials and Temptations”
1James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings. 2Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, [a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
"Dealing With Dangerous Times" part 1: By Rev. Troy Benton
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
Sunday Jul 24, 2016
July 24, 2016
James 1:1-8
1James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings. Trials and Temptations 2Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, [a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
“Worship: An Offering of Love” - By Rev. Katie Gholson
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
July 17, 2016
Matthew 6:22-33
22“The eye is the lamp of the body. Therefore, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. 23But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how terrible that darkness will be! 24No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be loyal to the one and have contempt for the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. 25“Therefore, I say to you, don’t worry about your life, what you’ll eat or what you’ll drink, or about your body, what you’ll wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothes? 26Look at the birds in the sky. They don’t sow seed or harvest grain or gather crops into barns. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than they are? 27Who among you by worrying can add a single moment to your life? 28And why do you worry about clothes? Notice how the lilies in the field grow. They don’t wear themselves out with work, and they don’t spin cloth. 29But I say to you that even Solomon in all of his splendor wasn’t dressed like one of these. 30If God dresses grass in the field so beautifully, even though it’s alive today and tomorrow it’s thrown into the furnace, won’t God do much more for you, you people of weak faith? 31Therefore, don’t worry and say, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ 32Gentiles long for all these things. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33Instead, desire first and foremost God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
“Make an Offer, pt. 2: The Peace Offering” - By Rev. Troy Benton
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
July 10, 2016
Psalm 96
1Sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth! 2Sing to the Lord! Bless his name! Share the news of his saving work every single day! 3Declare God’s glory among the nations; declare his wondrous works among all people 4because the Lord is great and so worthy of praise. He is awesome beyond all other gods 5because all the gods of the nations are just idols, but it is the Lord who created heaven! 6Greatness and grandeur are in front of him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. 7Give to the Lord, all families of the nations—give to the Lord glory and power! 8Give to the Lord the glory due his name! Bring gifts! Enter his courtyards! 9Bow down to the Lord in his holy splendor! Tremble before him, all the earth! 10Tell the nations, “The Lord rules! Yes, he set the world firmly in place; it won’t be shaken. He will judge all people fairly.” 11Let heaven celebrate! Let the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it roar! 12Let the countryside and everything in it celebrate! Then all the trees of the forest too will shout out joyfully 13before the Lord because he is coming! He is coming to establish justice on the earth! He will establish justice in the world rightly. He will establish justice among all people fairly.
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
"Make An Offer, Part 1: The Offering That Leaves a Mark" by Rev. Troy Benton
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Psalms 96 (CEB)
1Sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth! 2Sing to the Lord! Bless his name! Share the news of his saving work every single day! 3Declare God’s glory among the nations; declare his wondrous works among all people 4because the Lord is great and so worthy of praise. He is awesome beyond all other gods 5because all the gods of the nations are just idols, but it is the Lord who created heaven! 6Greatness and grandeur are in front of him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. 7Give to the Lord, all families of the nations—give to the Lord glory and power! 8Give to the Lord the glory due his name! Bring gifts! Enter his courtyards! 9Bow down to the Lord in his holy splendor! Tremble before him, all the earth! 10Tell the nations, “The Lord rules! Yes, he set the world firmly in place; it won’t be shaken. He will judge all people fairly.” 11Let heaven celebrate! Let the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it roar! 12Let the countryside and everything in it celebrate! Then all the trees of the forest too will shout out joyfully 13before the Lord because he is coming! He is coming to establish justice on the earth! He will establish justice in the world rightly. He will establish justice among all people fairly.
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
“Gone Fishing pt. 4: The Catch of a Lifetime.” by Rev. Troy Benton
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
June 26, 2016
Matthew 4:18-22 (CEB)
18As Jesus walked alongside the Galilee Sea, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew, throwing fishing nets into the sea, because they were fishermen. 19“Come, follow me,” he said, “and I’ll show you how to fish for people.” 20Right away, they left their nets and followed him. 21Continuing on, he saw another set of brothers, James the son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with Zebedee their father repairing their nets. Jesus called them and 22immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
“Gone Fishing pt. 3: You Will Get Wet”: By Rev. Troy Benton
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
June 19, 2016
Matthew 4:18-22 (CEB)
18As Jesus walked alongside the Galilee Sea, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew, throwing fishing nets into the sea, because they were fishermen. 19“Come, follow me,” he said, “and I’ll show you how to fish for people.” 20Right away, they left their nets and followed him. 21Continuing on, he saw another set of brothers, James the son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with Zebedee their father repairing their nets. Jesus called them and 22immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
"Gone Fishin' Part 2: Choosing Your Fishing Buddies" by Rev. Troy Benton
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Matthew 4:18-22
18As Jesus walked alongside the Galilee Sea, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew, throwing fishing nets into the sea, because they were fishermen. 19“Come, follow me,” he said, “and I’ll show you how to fish for people.” 20Right away, they left their nets and followed him. 21Continuing on, he saw another set of brothers, James the son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with Zebedee their father repairing their nets. Jesus called them and 22immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.